Wednesday, July 25, 2007

up and down and not sure how bright the future is

Every day is different in regards to Mr Beebs health.Today he is a little perkier than yesterday, but still tired. I was on the CDC web sight today and noticed just how resistant to treatment GNB (gram negative bacteria) are becoming. Several of the species Beebs has or had are resistant to all known ab's and the mortality rate is staggering. How we made it to this point is a miracle. I truly believe that my love and devotion coupled with his will to live and strong heart have given us one more year. I don't know how much longer the ab's will continue to work...or if they too will become fatalities in our war with the bacteria. I see that he has lost alot of life force since the amputation. I also believe that taking him off everything and assuming he was bacteria free was a huge mistake on the part of the vets. It gave the organism 10 days to start invading body systems ...and weaken the poor guy terribly.
Its as though no one takes it seriously. Are doctors lazy? Is it to much effort to implement safe precautions. Is it because animals have no rights that the vets do only as much as they need to and not a drop more. After all...what recourse do we have ? None.But not for long.
I found out by reading manuscripts from the Harvard law conference that the California vet assoc. tried to change the law regarding animals as property to companions. Guess who lobbied to stop em and won.The pharmaceutical company that I won't mention by name but is in the top 10 .So in that case the vets tried to remedy a bad situation/ an unfair situation and a big gun drug comp. paid off someone in the legislature (its called lobbying)...
I have been studying the disastrous clinical trials of the big guys and will make surer I have enough damaging evidence to shut them up before they try and stop me here in CT.
There;s an old saying "Know your enemy"...well I intend to and with that in mind I will imagine Mr Beebs how he could have been had it not been for this horrific lack of sound judgement.He would have lived a very good and long life had I never taken him in for that TPLO with that surgeon in that hospital. I hope I can turn these lemons into something useful...just so I can live with this outcome.

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