Saturday, July 14, 2007

anti biotics

Oh okay here we go...I'm holding my breath its been 21 days of ciproflaxacin HCL and clindamycin since amputation. I will know in very short order if all the various strains of bacteria have been killed once and for all.
I am still astounded that the vets that did the amputation thought that he didn't need any anti biotics after a year long fight.
They assumed...(key word) that the infection was localized...that the leg was the source.
Well just like cancer a tumopr could be in one place and still besending out its cells all over the body. How can 2 doctors who have had 16 years of school between them not see the obvious?
Because Mr Beebs has contracted 3 different strains after each and every surgery...I finds it hard to belive that the culture results point to some rapid mutation between May 27 to June 6th to june 15th.Highly unlikely. What is more likely is that he got the new infections from the surgeries in Georgia and Connecticut.
I was told by onew of the vets up here...that
"they are cleaning the place all the time" That the bacteria's have become resistant to the cleaning solutions"
What a load of fecal matter that is. I bet common amonia and water kills 99% of all pathogens.The more I read from my Harvard animal law manuel the more outraged I'm becoming. If its the last thing I do on this earth I'm going to affect a change in our CT legislature to change the status of animals from property to companion.
Why? Because I have NO legal recourse in this state for what numerous parties did to my guy Mr Beebs.
When I've compiled all the arguements I will post it as a link for all to see and then I will petition CT state residents to get behind this. Once people know the truth they will be equally disatifyied with the currant status of our laws here.Lasw written in the 1800's.
I pray Mr Beebs is finally clear of any contagion.I will never not feel heartache when I look at him and what he has endured....It should have never happened.

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