Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On my own with a diagnosis

Mr Beebs has been on ciproflaxin for months and months ...every single time I take him off of it the dog goes down hill fast. He sleeps all the time, looks unhappy, can hardly walk.So this weekend I put him back on it, along with 75mg of deramax and tramadol twice daily for pain. He is like a young dog again. Playing with his ball, acting crazy and smiling. For the life of me I can't understand where this infection is hiding that it manifest over and over again.The only thing I can think of is scar tissue...but how it would enter his blood stream is beyond me. Ever since the initial enterobacter infection he has been hosting some bug or another.My poor neighbor's husband had a few staples left in him and oh course now he has MRSA and a wound vacuum attached to him. The hospitals whether human or animal are in dire need of mandated cleanliness. Most of all the infections are a matter of sloppiness on the part of the staff. Eventually just as human hospitals have patients rights so too will animal guardians.Why shouldn't we expect decent, clean, professional service? Our money is just as green as the next persons and we too are paying for credible services.I'm tired of hearing"Its just a dog".Quite frankly my Mr Beebs has done more for mankind in his 11 years then alot of people I know in a lifetime.Sometimes I think he's more spiritually evolved than I am...his motives are love...always.Everytime I see him suffer I think of that lazy doctor who dismissed our case as frivolous.Well here we are 2 years later...still fighting no thanks to him and that filthy hospital.
I know I sound angry...but its righteous indignation I feel...not anger. It was wrong...and I aim to correct it.Mr Beebs has changed my life and the direction of it and all my energy is now pumped into school, knowledge and the tools I'll need to make a difference. Every time the work gets so hard I feel like crying...I think of him hobbling around unable to take a walk...and I study harder.
He is my inspiration and when he's gone I'll carry him around inside me every single day..and everything I do for animals will be in his honor.For now I'm glad I still have him to cuddle and lie on the floor with.He's doing okay once again...and I'm always searching for a way to keep him happy.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mr Beebs and continueing prostate infection

Ever since the enterobacter clocae infection our lives have been upside down. We removed his testicles hoping the prostate would shrink...it did however an infection keeps rearing its ugly head.I am so worn out by this I can't even put it into words.My other dog Sydney is always smelling his penis as though there is something wrong with it.Beebs is very tired...lethargic, he's also almost 11 years old. I have this terrible suspicion that whatever is in there is not responding to ab's because it's either the wrong ones or its resistant. To get a proper culture a needle would have to be inserted directly into the gland.I think the poor dog has had enough invasive action and I am try9ing my best to give him the best possible life, or quality of life. That means oral meds, deramax, 2 injections a week of adequan, ciproflaxen, car rides, tiny romps in a new location, lots of love.His back leg is really taking a beating and he will not use his wheel chair. I went back up to the place to have it fixed and he is stubborn and refuses to move in it.
I'm getting married this August and want so badly for the boys to be in the wedding party at my home.When i think back to that fateful day 06/06/06 I cringe.However I have been actively pursuing a court case with the surgeon and the dirty hospital that brought this pain upon us.I have done several speeches in college on the subject of which I am told they were very compelling.I intend to fine tune this argument until I can get traction in congress.I don't give up on anything easily especially my beebers.To be honest I spend alot of time trying to diagnose his problems myself using the Merck vet manual and AVMA sources. The GP vet can only know and do so much...and complications are the great teachers of medicine...They see a snapshot and I see a movie.There should be a better way to help the vets, patients and their guardians get to the bottom of the problem.Maybe a software program that adds up symptoms and spits out possibilities, then reduces those to a more finite cause.Well this is the price of love and when I signed on 11 years ago I promised to take good care of him and he held up his end of the deal and so should I.College has me so busy I am not here often enough but will make an effort now that finals are next week.Any prayers for Beebs would be appreciated, I believe our intentions have the power to heal. Lori