Friday, August 3, 2007

leaving today with mixed feelings

Well we are going away for 10 or 11 days starting today and I'm relieved and afraid at the same time. I did put Mr Beebs back on ab's for damage control.
The dogs are both now living in our basement which is converted into an inlaw apt. There is no way he can get on the stair climber and join us upstairs at this point and I wonder if ever again. I spend half my time down in the basement and the other half feeling guilty upstairs.
I hate this situation. Maybe after a week of rest...I'll be able to put him in a sling and bring him upstairs once in a while with help. His back leg is really doping badly.The Dr W who said it was very stable was dead wrong..the radio graph shows "extensive" damage.
So.....his wheelchair will be ready when I return so I'll drive the 2 hours up north to have them fit him and bring it home.
I am not getting a lot of support in the vet community for my legislative agenda.In the will better serve them if they do get involved and do have a say otherwise...the public when hearing the facts will most likely vote for change.
I'm feeling depressed these days...its as though my brain and body can only take so much grief before it starts shutting down. I need this vacation to go smooth. I have a big battle ahead and a very handicapped boy to take care of. Re charging my own batteries and getting some peace would be wonderful.Now I know why caregivers have such a high burn out rate. At least a nurse gets to go home after 8 hours or so.This has been 24/7 since June 6 of 06.I'm not the same person I was when this started. I truly believe that if i didn't re-direct this grief it would have eroded me down to a clinical condition. Its my love and passion that has kept my head above water...its so unfair.Poor Mr Beebs. Well off we go I've hired a baby sitter/ house sitter for the entire time who is wonderful with the boys and they love her.I'm leaving her emergency instructions, my truck, and meds galore. Oh please let this next 2 weeks be uneventful God...for all our sakes.

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