Thursday, August 16, 2007

He is resisting this contraption

Boxers are known for digging their heels in and MR Beebs is no exception. He is trying me every step of the way with our new chariot. If only I could help him understand how using it will be better rather than worse for him. This morning he would not budge in it. Not a step...I had to hold on to the yolk and demand he walk with me which he did for 3 steps and stopped.
This afternoon we got ten feet and i lavished him with praise and hugs...he walked 10 feet at best. After seeing that dalmatian whizz around in two seconds flat I feel like having a serious word with Mr Beebs about his stubbornness.
Well....I did stop the ab's. I'm watching like a hawk to see what happens.I now know that they have no bearing on his back leg collapsing and its probably in his spine which is being jarred. I have a massage machine I run along his leg and back at night.He is so full of life outside of all this.That's what has made this so very difficult all along. He wants to live.There is no doubt about it.I hear him at night rolling over and making goofy noises he does when he is content and just scratching his head.
In the mean time I am reading a very informative book about legislative law. I need a commitee of people here in Ct to use our brain power and skills together. I made a huge list today of people from various fields and have my work cut out for me.However...I do believe in my heart that Mr Beebs is more than property ...he is a part of my family as is millions of animals all over the United States.Why should we be treated as second class citizens regarding the animals that we are guardians of. There is only one good reason that I can see. Profit...having your cake and eat it to. No matter what you do, sell, manufacture, produce or distribute...our animals have no protection.So alot of companies reap huge profits and yet have little to no responsibility for their behavior or the quality of goods. Even the groomer who turned her back on a dog and it hung itself most likely got little more than a hand slapping or a small claim. I'd like to know when we as consumers and taxpayers got sold up the river regarding the animals we protect, groom, inoculate, feed, house,...the list is long and yet we are so unprotected .I say we because we are guardians for innocent animals who can not speak for themselves and trust us to do right by them. In 2007 I think this is archaic.I intend to do what is fair , reasonable, and just.On behalf of my poor Mr Beebs and every other animal and its owner who feels abandoned by the system and even abused. I put my hard earned money down...and I have no protection from shoddy work or lazy arrogant surgeons...not when it involves my dog. He after all has little value to society and especially to me...and thats why I have spent a year and a half trying to save him.Because he is a washing machine...a car , a toaster oven. Even though he is included in every one of our family photo's albums along with every cat, dog, and bird we have ever known.The jig is up...lets face it if you want to make the profit than accept the responsibilty that goes with it. We are not stupid people who fear your degree's or your white coats. I certainly don't. I suppose the big drug companies and AVMA think that Americans will never mobilize on this issue. I think they would be wrong.Afterall we are a majority in this country...not some fanatical group of lonely hermits. We are tax payers...and we come from every walk of life.Every color... sex, education level , value's, religions....income levels...political parties, all in all we as a whole are the most diverse group of people in all of America and we all share one thing. We love...our animals and they mean alot to us. Period. They are part of our family.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Lori he looks great! I love the new wheels. Yes boxers are stubborn, but if you keep at it you will show him it is a help and not a hinder!
I love the photo of him in it. It looks as though he is giving the "no parking" sign a dirty look!

Glad to read the updates!

Melissa & Casey tplo 3/21/07