Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Everyday brings a new challenge

Mr Beebs is becoming more and more leery of getting on the stair climber so I can take him out to go potty.It has to do with his falling down alot lately. He's scared and so I am holding him up with a sling under his back end and walking backwards down a flight of stairs. I hope I don't fall myself.When Winter comes I'm going to be really in trouble once the stairs get icy or lick.I'm already thinking of ways to put straw below the deck so that we can go potty right at the bottom of the stairs instead of slipping and sliding all over the yard.

I also need to go back up to Mass. to get the wheelchair fixed. 4 hours of driving and 16 credits at school...its not going to be easy that's for sure. At least I'm used to challenges...

He had his 3rd adequan shot IM yesterday. Its hard to see whether it has had a positive affect yet. I hope to God it does.We need to strengthen that back leg.I canceled a pool treatment because I just can't afford another $700.00.I haven't been to a doctor myself in the last year and a half let alone a dentist.I massage his leg with this portable massager every night and he sems to be alot less stiff when I do that. Oh boy...its Sept 11th and in the scope of things this is an inconvenience compared to what some people are suffering today.

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