Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Well no Fox news for us

I tried...I tried to get a lady in town who's dog got MRSA from a TPLO to do an interview. If only the public had the info...knew what to look for. But I can't make someone help if they don't want to.I'm very disappointed because I believe what has happened here could be of use to pet owners...the vets...it could save alot of pain and suffering.

Mr Beebs back leg is really wobbly and the dam wheelchair is wrong so I have to take a ride up to Mass. I have term papers, book reviews and a state intership on the line.

Taking him up and down the stair climber is getting harder and harder because he is more unsteady.I dread winter snow and ice and how unsafe I too will be walking backwards down the stairs with a dog who is not stable.God help us. Maybe I'll live in the basement with the dogs for the winter. Make a potty station outside the door with wood chips or something. One bad fall on the ice and it could mean the end of Mr Beebs.

I injected him yesterday with 1.5 mls of adequan.I'm hoping it will stave off anymore deterioration. I can only do my best for him. If I get that job in the statehouse I'm going to study the process like a hawk...make the contacts that will aid the cause and make a move when everything is in place.I will protect my pets and if I have to do it this way I will.

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