Saturday, January 30, 2010

Statute of Limitations?

I hope to God that because Beebs surgery was in 2006 that I will have gone past the point of a law suit. Ironically I have tried to get an attorney on this case since 2006 and with no luck what so ever. I asked my cousin Nancy back in 2006. We met for lunch at Turks in West Haven for lunch and discussed the case. She was very interested and made it known that she would help bring about a law suit. She fell off the face of the earth a short time later when she had problems with one of her children. I called an old Friend Art Riccio and asked him. He told me there's no money in it and he wasn't interested, besides there were no laws on the books he could use to help me. I then contacted mal practice attorneys in new haven at long wharf who never returned my phone calls. I met another attorney who came to my house in 2007 and sat for 4 hours taking notes and eating lunch with me. A week later I had sent her numerous emails which she never responded to. This went on for a couple weeks and I was heart broken because I had felt hope for the first time regarding getting justice for my beebers. She just blew me off and we have never spoken since. i contacted the CT BAR and wrote back and forth to The "Animal Law" liaison who also wanted no part of our case. Recently another veterinarian brought suit against Pond and it was in the New haven register. I contacted him and he was the one who told me about attorney Otis in Manchester. I have spoken with him and sent him a huge stack of medical docs along with graphic horrible pictures. I will also send him bank invoices to show the massive cost in trying to fix Ponds botched surgery. I have no guarantee that Otis will bring suit either and wonder if he too will disappear into the night like all the others. I didn't run out of time I couldn't get ANYONE to help me in the legal profession! I will go to our States attorney general if I must. Please say a prayer that for once some legal mind with a heart will help us. I'm not asking for pro bono work and I never did. I can't even through money at people to take our case. Where are my rights? I pay taxes and lots of them...we are law abiding people and yet we can be screwed by a vet and everyone looks the other way. I'm already having a hell of a time trying to get a medical witness because the veterinarians all watch each others back. I will be forced to look outside of CT. All across the board I feel like a second class citizen in regards to my rights to pursue a law suit. One way or another I will make sure Dr Pond acknowledges what he did. Perhaps an article in the news paper would help. All those blood sucking attorneys who will become all compassionate when the laws change and they can make an easy buck. I am presently an intern at the State Legislature and perhaps i will be able to get someone in power to aid me on this matter. I have tried and tried and tried again to get legal representation since 2006 to no avail. How sad.... I won't give up because my beautiful dog Mr Beebs should have NEVER lost his leg and endured the pain and surgeries he did. I will take this to my grave if i must but I will never back off.

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