Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas to all

Well Mr Beebs has a swollen abdomen and the vets think its prostatitus..or bacterial infection of the prostate .No bacteria has shown up in the cultures so far and I'm feeling like something isn't adding up. I have the Merck Vet manual and was reading it last night and his symptoms seem to be more closely related to a cystic condition. I have no idea but I need to really stop...think...and get very clear on his treatment. The poor old guy has had so many surgeries and numerous set backs that I have to really pray about this one. He's such a good boy but I can see he's tired and I believe even with the pain meds its uncomfortable for him.So I need to get him taken care of.Its been a real heartbreak these last couple of years...I guess its true the "cup that holds your deepest joy holds your deepest sorrow."

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So adorable Lori!

Melissa & Casey