Tuesday, January 23, 2007

When animal surgery goes bad

My nine year old boxer Mr Beebs had TPLO surgery back in June of 2006. What should have been an uncomplicated procedure has become a travesty. This surgery is intended to eliminate the ligament which large breeds are so prone to breaking.(the ACL) This is done by leveling a bone in the leg which makes the need for that ligament unneccesary. However part of this procedure involves a plate and screws which are threaded into the dogs leg. They are the perfect breeeding ground for bacteria because they have no blood supply of their own.My poor dog will most likely never recover from what should have been an aid to his well being instead of a detriment. He has an enterobacter infection which is listed on the CDC web sight as a contagion.It is resistant to 99% of all anti biotics known to man. In other words he has a super bug in his leg that comes from feces. Its nine months later and $20,000. 00. I have wiped out my savings, my retired parents have gone into their fixed income and my boyfriend his retirement account. The surgeon who performed the surgery ordered a culture two weeks after surgery when puss and pink fluid was oozing out of the dogs incision. Apparantly he failed to read the culture report and kept up a treatment protocal that would never kill this bacteria. In fact had I not gone to another doctor and got another culture done it would have gone on and on until it traveled through his body and killed him. Today in Jan 2007 the infection hides in the massive scar tissue brought on by such an extended infection. The drugs can't reach it they can only prevent it from traveling.
The drug he takes which has saved his life is a human drug called Primaxine and is given as an intermuscular injection. I have given him 2-3 of these a day for nine months with no end in sight.In fact I was told today by the surgeon who removed the plate that had busted in his leg a week before Christmas that he will most likely always need the primaxine the rest of his life. Two of the screws broke off inside his bone and one was backing out on its own.Hios leg is half healed because infection inhiobits healing...so off a leash or a sudden jar and its over for Mr Beebs. By the way ...a ten day supply of this drug for a 88 pound dog is $469.00
Who's resonsible for this?Are there other pet lovers out there who have been given the "I'll cover your back, if you'll cover mine" by their veterinarians? When will the AVMA community begin treating our companions as the family members they truly are instead of property which by law is the only protection they and we get at this moment.I say enough of this. They are not tables and chairs and can not be dismissed as such.My dog has been a therapy dog for nine years and you can't put a price on that.

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