Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back on Anti biotics

Oh well here we go again. Mr Beebs has had a difficult time walking once again and Sydney has taken to sniffing his penis which has always indicated something going on in that region.The vet says prostate infections can be chronic and given scar tissue in which to hide very difficult or impossible to kill. So back on cephalexin....a moderate to low dose enough to remove any pain he is experiencing from that infected gland.When Sydney stops drawing my attention to the area I will know its at bay. My dog Sydney with his awesome ability at sniffing out trouble is my best diagnostician! He has sniffed out numerous problems before and has been right on the money.
Besides all that I am busy reading legislative law books and animal advocacy research so I can get my game plan focused. I need to do this before school starts so that I devote the time I need to my studies and getting me that much closer to my political science diploma. I have a good feeling about 2009, in spite of the fact that my sister of 48 years is fighting off liver cancer at the moment. In many ways these tribulations have made me appreciate time and its rapid motion forward even more. We don't get it back so I want to treat every day with purpose. That's my new motto! Make it count Lori!

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